Whiteford Unveils Plaque to Mark 250 Years for Aberchirder
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Hundreds of local residents turned out in Aberchirder on Saturday, as the village celebrated its 250th anniversary.
The day commenced with a coffee morning at the Marnoch Church Hall on Main Street, and was followed by a procession from Aberchirder Primary to The Square, where local musicians and dancers gave a special performance for the crowds.
Dr Whiteford also unveiled a plaque in The Square, which commemorates the day’s events.
Speaking afterwards, Eilidh Whiteford said:
“It was great to see such a sizeable turnout for Foggie’s 250th anniversary. We were fortunate in that the weather stayed fine for the duration, and the school pupils put on a very special show for the audience. The village is lucky in having a diligent community association, and a local historian of Bob Peden’s calibre willing to carry out research on the village’s behalf.
“Foggie and its residents have my best wishes for the future, and can look on the day as a successful milestone in the village’s history.”
“Foggie and its residents have my best wishes for the future, and can look on the day as a successful milestone in the village’s history.”